SEO case study: A process to be approached with love

Don’t you want to keep reading about how to drive growth, organic traffic, and sales over and over again? Sure these are important topics, but that’s not all…

It is for this very reason that I decided to take a slightly different approach to this case study…

It’s not just about references, there has to be a spark

If I had to choose today between two offers of cooperation, with the first being from a client with a good reference, and the second from someone who approaches his project honestly, the choice would be clear for me.

My experience from previous years has taught me that it’s not just about me, but about how the overall collaboration with the client goes – how long it takes them to respond, whether they are open to regular brainstorming sessions, and more. 

Because if your collaboration is to have any level, the project has to fit, make sense – and in short, there should exist certain chemistry between you and the client.

I also work on my own projects and have a larger team of people to manage. Based on what I’ve learned through these experiences, I’d venture to say that it’s not just about finding marketing partners, but more importantly, about people who feel like they’re a part of your company.

This is the only way to truly ensure that all the work is done to one hundred percent of its potential, which will naturally give you the results you desire.

For common growth

It will be soon two years since I first received an offer from Fleurop to help them in their development and marketing – and even back then, it was clear that I had a lot of work ahead of me.

In the Czech Republic, this international network is represented by two ladies – Jitka and Tereza – who gave us the impression from the beginning that communication and mutual cooperation would be what would bring about different results. 

Fully under control from the start

We were very pleased to have had complete control of the SEO at the beginning of the project – from the development of the bespoke e-shop to the content part, such as keyword analysis, information architecture design, and content creation.

This fact made it very easy for us to work together (not to mention how important the synergy with Jitka and Tereza was for us, with whom we could actively discuss things and brainstorm together on a regular basis). Naturally, all of this was really crucial at the beginning of the project in order to ensure that we were able to set off in the right direction.

Development must be done with love

There is nothing better than communicating easily with a client and making it clear that building a business is a process that will take time to accomplish.

For this reason alone, it is necessary to make sure that you are able to take every step with love. Take a moment to realize that every bad decision, failure, or mistake belongs here and that these aspects are what empower you to learn and move the project forward.

My reward is pleasant, long-term cooperation, and a satisfied client who achieves natural growth.

Fleurop návštěvnost
Organic traffic since the beginning of the cooperation
Fleurop návštěvnost
Year-on-year comparison of organic traffic 
Fleurop návštěvnost

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